Archive for 02/06/14
Google Giving Some Business Owners 3 Weeks To Save Their Google Place Listing
Some business owners are reporting getting emails from Google and are asking if this is legit in the Google Business Help forums.
The emails are legit and coming from Google and the subject line is, "Action Required: You have 3 weeks to save your Google Places Listing."
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Twitter Looking for Redesign in its Web Interface
Twitter has seen a major redesign recently in its web interface.
The interface has seen a move from skeuomorphism to flat elements, as a part of the network to give it a similar feeling as its iOS and Android apps.
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How to Create an Instagram Account Through PC
Instagram is a super popular camera and social network app, but what if you don't have access to a smartphone? You can still stay in touch with your friends and even upload your own images, all without having to use the smartphone app. With a few workarounds you can simulate the app on your computer, allowing you to create an account from your desktop or laptop. Read on after the jump to learn how.
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